Dreaming Souls



As Thea’s dream is about to come true, she has to undergo a high-risk heart operation. Thea is a 15-year-old Norwegian girl. She loves music and dance. Thea has Down syndrome, heart issues and hearing problems.


Mariam is a 13-year-old Iraqi girl. She loves running and sport. One of her dreams is to go to a regular school with her two siblings. However, education for people with disabilities is not facilitated in Iraq. Mariam's mother, Wajjdan, is a tough woman. In order to meet Mariam's needs and support her family and husband, she is holding down two jobs.

Director | Karrar Al-Azzawi
Producer | Anton Nyman and Karrar Al-Azzawi

Cinematographer | Karrar Al-Azzawi and Mohammed Sarraf

Production Company | High & Low AS and Al-Azzawi Film